
——From Sara


    In the morning, The English teacher talked about various majores available in Australian universities. Agricultural and biological sciences, engineering, computing and mathematics, environmental science, health science, humanities and social science, molecular biology and biotechnology, physics, chemestry and geology taught in Australia are all well regarded. Commerce was especially recommended by her.

    随后我们乘着大巴去了Flinders大学。一所以1802年探索南澳海岸的英国航海家Matthew Flinders命名的澳洲知名大学。我们先去了第一个校区,机械工程校区,带队老师说跑男有一集就是在这里拍的。随后带队的老师带我们去参观了他们的实验室。实验室里有Flinders学校的学生研发的机器人。Flinders学校的自习室,图书馆也是非常的舒适美观。尤其是在他们放东西的柜子里面还有充电插座。我觉得这个是特别方便的。Flinders学校的食堂设施环境也是不错的。有微波炉,冰箱还有舒适的座椅。后来我们又去了Flinders另外一个校区带队老师给我们讲了一些关于Flinders大学专科的优劣势,学费情况,以及分数。我个人喜欢医学,虽然医学的分数线很高,但是在Flinders大学,只要你总分过了,英语成绩过了,就可以选关于医学的专业.

    Then we caught a bus to Flinders university. We first went to the campus for mechanical engineering. The teacher told us that the famous show called ‘Running Man’ was taken here. Then the teacher showed us around the laboratory. There are robots developed independently by students in this lab. We also visited the self-study room and the library. It is quite impressive that they have got sockets in those lockers. I think they are especially convenient. Later, we looked around the students’ room, they have microwaves, refrigerators and comfortable seats over there which is also very convenient. Then the teacher took us to another campus of Flinders university. We were given a presentation on strengths and weaknesses, tuition fees and ATAR requirements for different courses at Flinders University. Medicine course is my favourite. Although ATAR required for medicine is really high. But at Flinders university, as long as your ATAR and results for EAL meets the requirement, you will be offered a place for medicine.

    老师介绍完后到了午餐时间,我们在学校餐厅享受我们的午餐。学校为我们准备了汉堡和烤肉。吃完以后一些同学去打了台球。最后我们乘着大巴又返回了Immanuel College。
    After the presentation, the teacher prepared lunch for us in the school cafe. We enjoyed those burgers and roasts. Some of us played billiards with each other after lunch. Finally we went back to Immanuel College by bus.