

学校始终践行“为学生发展服务,为学生成功奠基”的理念,致力于创设跨文化多语言的学习环境,培养高素质、宽视野、具有超学科探究能力和创新能力的国际化人才,每年为海内外高一级学校输送大批优秀学生,家长满意度、社会美誉度不断提升,学校正朝着 “高水平特色化、高素质国际化”的目标坚实迈进!

Located at the foot of Mount Xihui on the beautiful coast of Lake Taihu, Wuxi Foreign Language School was founded in 1998. 

Based on the school educational philosophy of Serving for Students’ Development, Founding for Students’ Success, the school is dedicated to creating cross-cultural and multilingual environment, to foster highly qualified international talents with broader perspectives and strong trans-disciplinary abilities of inquiry and innovation. A number of outstanding students are sent to foreign countries for further education every year. Parents’ satisfaction and our social reputation show increasing improvement. The school is always striding forward towards the higher goal of Higher Education Characteristic Level and Higher Globalized Quality. 
