Speech contest in International Department
On Thursday, October 20, 2016, the 2016 English Speech Competition was held in the library on the first floor from 4-5:00p.m. English judges included foreign English teacher Mr. Carter and English teachers Lulu and Piddy. All of Grade 10 was asked to participate in the speech during an in class competition during the week of October 10 and 4 winners were chosen from each class. The in class competition winners from Class 10A were Charles, Delen, Ella, Jackie, and Eric; Class 10B winners included Arvin, Frank, Bonnie, and David; Class C winners included Sybil, Jason, Lily, and Alysia.2016年10月20日周四下午4:00-5:00,国际部在阶梯教室举行了2016年度新生英语演讲大赛。评委包括英语老师Carter, Lulu以及Piddy。所有10年级学生都要求参与各班的预选,从中选出4名种子选手。10A班的优胜者为李佳淞,曹俊杰,刘莹莹,邝奕捷和张鼎逸;10B班的优胜者为褚浩天,陈宗孚,郭嘉宝和聂大卫;10C班的优胜者为冯绘霓,柯伯承,树亦婷及杨妍鋆。
Winners were chosen based on a criteria of delivery, content, organization, and audience awareness and were chosen by Mr. Carter. Topics of discussion included the legalization of gay marriage, climate change, the 2016 presidential debate, the newly enacted two-child policy, television violence, nature versus nurture, copyright infringement, high stakes testing, mental health, and evolution versus creationism. Afterwards, students were instructed to perfect their speeches and choose an additional speech topic such as a poem, additional speech, or monologue to give in addition to their amended first round speeches.
Participants were permitted to elect their own order of delivery and were given a maximum of five minutes to deliver their speech as well as dramatic interpretation of a poem, speech, or monologue. The judges them critiqued each performance based on three criteria established beforehand in the preliminary round. The winners’ scores were then averaged based on the three judges and the scores were ranked from first to third place. The winners included:
1st place: Bonnie (10B)- High Stakes Testing, Sybil (10C)- 2016 Presidential Race
2nd place: Jason (10C)- Gay Marriage Equality, Lily (10C) – Two Child Policy
3rd place: Jackie (10A) – Nature vs. Nurture in Determining Intelligence
Congratulations to all the winners and may the spirit of speech move everyone towards enhanced English learning.