Bilingual department's first trans-
disciplinary theme is over! Children bring
us fruitful results, let's go and have a look!
一年级的探究主题是“图像传达思想观点和信息”。UOI课堂上,学生们了解了构成图像的各类元素,并通过设计自己的艺术签名、制作中秋节和国庆祝福卡片等,加深了解图像各元素的互相配合运用,孩子们还学会了使用喜欢的元素为班级设计“班徽” 。整个学习过程中,学生对图像信息把握更为准确,也学会了用图像去表达自己的认知和情感体验,同样也让我们看到了小朋友们丰富的想象力和创造力。
In Grade 1, the theme of inquiry is “images convey ideas and information”. In UOI lessons, students learned all kinds of elements that make up the image, and through the design of their own art signature, making the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day blessing cards, etc., the understanding of the image of the various elements had been deepened , the children also learned to use their favourite elements to design "class emblem ".
The inquiry theme of Grade 2 is "The choice of role models reflects individual and social beliefs and values". Students became reporters. They interviewed their family and friends, and collected information from books, media and other source to understand the meaning of role models and factors which affect our beliefs and values. They use posters, images and other ways to show us their own cognition and understanding, setting up the correct value orientation.
The theme of the Grade 3 is "many characteristics determine the differences between hometowns ". The students went to the library and museum to explore the customs, culture and historical development of their hometown and saw the past and present of their hometown. In the discussion and inquiry, the children had got a clearer and deeper understanding of their hometown and different characteristics of their hometown. Through poetry creation, students had set an outlook onto the future of their hometown and improve their sense of identity.
四年级的探究主题是“古往今来,人们利用艺术彼此互动和交流”,五年级的探究主题为“艺术创作和评论发展了我们对自我和周围世界的理解”,两个年级的探究主题均与“艺术”相关。学生们围绕主题展开了深入探究。在UOI课堂上,学生利用(see, think, wonder)表格、搜索资料以及外出探究等方式,了解了中国传统艺术和西方艺术在不同时代中的作用和带来的影响,感受到艺术之美;从诗歌创作中掌握诗歌的构成并感受到其中所要表达的情感;在戏剧表演中学生充分感受到人物的感情表达,感悟故事背后所要反映的问题或道理。通过探究活动,学生们体会到“艺术在身边,人人可艺术”,从而提升了学生的艺术素养,促进了学生的全面发展。
The inquiry theme of Grade 4 is "through the passage of time, people use art to interact and communicate with each other ", and the fifth grade inquiry theme is "artistic creation and comment have developed our understanding of ourselves and the world around us ". Both grades are related to art. The students explored the theme in depth. In UOI lessons, using (see,think,wonder) forms, students searched materials and went out to explore the role and influence of Chinese traditional art and western art in different times, They appreciated the beauty of art, master the composition of poetry from poetry creation and feel the emotion to be expressed. Through inquiry activities, students realized that "art is around us, everyone can create art ", thus improving students' artistic literacy and promote the overall development of students.
The students' works are brilliant, the teachers have seen them first, and give their comments and valuable suggestions.
On the pathway of inquiry,
We're confident,
We're full of spirit and enthusiasm,
We ignite the fire of knowledge.
We grew up in partnership,
advance in exploration.
Powered by ideas and beliefs.
We can ride the wind and the waves!